In January 2023, major cultural projects funding for two-year projects as well as smaller grants from the Foundation’s city and dedicated funds can be applied for.The application period for both applications started on Sunday 1 January 2023. Applications end on Tuesday 31 January 2023.
A grant is applied for in the grants online service by registering as an applicant and filling out an electronic form. Decisions on the January application will be made at the end of March 2023. The foundation’s office is open from Monday to Friday by e-mail and telephone from 9 am to 4 pm.
A Major Cultural Project funding is intended to projects in the field of science, art, societal activities or various combinations thereof.A Major Cultural Project produces significant cultural and societal results, and build the future of Finnish science, arts, and culture. We especially appreciate open-mindedness and new openings.
Our objective is to make sizeable projects possible by financing them either in their entirety, or by being one of their main financiers. The financing is for two years, a total between € 100,000 and € 300,000. Major cultural project financing is only for projects that have a duration of two years. One application is made for the two-year grant period. Funding usage period is every year from 1 April to 31 March.
Read more and familiarize yourself with the application instructions: Grants | Major Cultural Projects
Info for applicants (in Finnish) on January 12. 2023 at 12 pm to 1 pm. Register here.
Alfred Kordelin Foundation has nine city funds and seven dedicated funds. In addition to the fact that the funds fulfill the purpose of the foundation, each fund has its own local or special mission. In 2022, the foundation will distribute a total of about 0.2 MEUR as grants and awards through the city and target funds. Most of the funds have a public application every year in January.
The size of the grants applied for can be from a few hundred to a few thousand euros. Some of the funds have an emphasis that changes every year. Read more about application instructions for each fund: Grants | City Funds and Dedicated Funds
Funds with public application in January 2023
Huittinen fund
Lappeenranta Fund
Nokia fund
Raahe fund
Rauma fund
Savonlinna fund
Seinäjoki fund
Gust. Kompa fund (chemistry)
Säätiöiden post doc -pooli (“the Foundations’ Post Doc Pool”) is a grant resource set up by Finnish foundations, all members of the Association of Finnish Foundations, and intended for post-doctoral research abroad. The Pool’s aim is to make Finnish research more international by offering young scholars flexible funding from one source that covers all expenses of a research period abroad for 6 to 24 months, preferably 1 or 2 years. Säätiöiden post doc -pooli has two application rounds per year: the spring application round in January, and the autumn application round from 15 August to 15 September.
The Foundations’ Post Doc Pool organizes a spring grant application between January 1 and January 31, 2023. The results will be announced in April 2023. Application and instructions:
Further information
Major cultural projects funding
CEO Erik Båsk phone 040 825 8071
Grants from city and dedicated funds
Office of the Alfred Kordelin Foundation phone 050 439 3661