Grant Recipient Instructions

Please read the instructions below carefully. As a grant recipient, you are required to follow the instructions provided, notify the Foundation of any changes, and report to the Foundation on the use of the grant.


Start of the grant period and time of use

The Grant must be used within two years of the date it was awarded, and it must be used for the purpose for which it was awarded.  If the purpose of the grant changes, or the project changes in an essential way, you should contact the Foundation regarding these changes without delay.

Yearly grants

The grant is for work performed during the calendar year that follows the year the grant was awarded. Grant work/project may not begin before the December of the year the grant was awarded. Grants must be used within two years of the date when they were awarded. The time of use is calculated from the date the grant was awarded.

Major Cultural Projects

The Grant is for projects launched in the year the grant was awarded. The Grant’s time of use is from 1 April to 31 March each year. An interim report on the first year of the project should be delivered to the Foundation by 31 January. A Final Report is delivered after the project has been closed.

City funds and dedicated funds

The Grant is for work or a project that begins in the year the grant was awarded. Grant work or project may not begin earlier than in April of the year the grant was awarded. Grants must be used within two years of the date when they were awarded.

Logging in to the online grant service

Since June 2022, you can log into the online grant service using a bank identifier or a mobile ID. When you sign in with a bank identifier or a mobile ID, the applications payment requests and reports you may have made earlier or using a username will not be visible to you. If you so wish, you can transfer your data from your username to a bank identifier or a mobile ID. To be able to transfer your data, you will need the username and password that you used earlier.

Awarded grant documentation

Awarded grant letters and awarded grant certificates are available in the online grant service as electronic documents. The awarded grant certificate states the name of the grant recipient, its purpose, awarded sum, duration, and date when the grant was awarded. The awarded grant letter and its appendices contain instructions on the use of your grant. The Foundation will no longer mail the documentation of an awarded grant to the recipient’s home.

Paying out a grant

We pay out grants at the beginning of the month by request. Grants can be withdrawn all at once or in several smaller sums. As a rule, the payment schedule follows the schedule presented in the work plan. A payment request must be made in the online service no later than two weeks prior to the payment date. Instructions for grant use and payments are available as electronic documents in the online grant service. Go through the instructions carefully before you begin the work your grant is for.

The grants are paid to the account the recipient entered to the online service. Recipients of an individual grant should enter their personal account number in the online service, and collective grant recipients should enter the account of the collective.

Interruption of the grant period

Grant payments can be interrupted and the time of use of the grant extended because of, for example, full-time employment, parental leave, or illness. The main rule is that the grant term can be pushed back once, for a duration of max. 12 months, starting from the time the grant was awarded. Interruptions and changes should always be agreed on beforehand with the Foundation.

If you are awarded other forms of financing, there are changes in your contact or other information, you become employed, or if the essential purpose for which the grant is used changes, please notify us immediately. The Foundation must also be informed of parental leaves, lengthy sick leaves or part-time employment.

Employment during the grant period

For the recipient (a private individual) a grant is a grant, not pay for employment or salary for public service. The purpose of a grant awarded for fulltime work is to enable project work without employment.  A working grant is meant to cover your living expenses. Freedom from employment is a prerequisite for using a fulltime grant. As you receive a fulltime working grant, you cannot simultaneously receive a corresponding compensation, such as salary, another working grant, adult education allowance that equals a working grant, or unemployment benefits. A working grant awarded for fulltime work can also not be used during a paid holiday.

The principle is that during the grant period of a fulltime working grant, it is possible to do e.g. irregular work or regular work paid by the hour. During the grant period you can hold a position or be in other type of paid employment for a maximum of 25% of working time. This will not have an impact on the duration of the grant.

The compensation paid by a registered association for work done is considered as salary (“Assistants”), for which an employer’s non-wage labour costs and other obligations must be paid. A collective cannot pay out the grant it has itself received as grants.



Cancelling a grant

If a grant has not been withdrawn within two years of the date it was awarded, it is cancelled without a separate notification. Grants are cancelled if the work for which the grant was awarded is not performed. If the grant has not been used in line with instructions, the sum that has already been paid out can be reclaimed.

Grants and taxation

The grant is the income for the tax year in which it is paid. Grants awarded for scientific research and artistic work are exempt from taxes up to the sum that corresponds to the state’s annual artist grant (€26,366.60 starting from 1 March 2024).

Grant recipients must file grants awarded by the Alfred Kordelin Foundation in their income tax return. The Foundation reports the grants that have been paid out to natural persons to the tax authorities as annual information returns. For more instructions, read

Grants and social security (Mela)

The Farmers’ Social Insurance Institution Mela takes care of the grant recipients’ social security pertaining to pensions, accident insurance, and group life insurance. Insurance payments amounting to approximately 15-20% of the sum of the grant are stipulated by law.  The obligation to take out an insurance policy applies to recipients of individual grants and members of a working group who work supported by the grant. The grant recipient must themselves contact Mela to check and verify their insurance obligations.

We inform Mela of those grants awarded to natural persons or collectives that have a duration of at least four months, and that surpass the minimum threshold for which insurance is required.

Read more on insurance:

Grant usage reports

A report on the usage of the grant must be delivered to the Foundation without delay when grant work and/or project ends, i.e. no later than two months after the project has closed.

The grant usage report provides information on the work/project completed with the Foundation’s grant. Fill in the usage report in the grant online service. Reports must not be sent via email or be mailed to the Foundation.

The manager in charge of a project is responsible for reporting the work of projects and working groups. If the grant has been awarded for work to be performed over many years, such as a second or third year grant for a major cultural event, the applicant must file an interim report which demonstrates that the project is proceeding as planned. New grants cannot be awarded if earlier grants awarded by the Foundation have not been reported on and/or if a grant sum has not been withdrawn.

Mentioning the name of the Foundation

You may thank the Foundation for supporting your work or project by using the Foundation’s logo and mentioning its name in connection with your project or work e.g. in a scientific thesis or publication, exhibition catalogue, or other similar instances.

In social media, we encourage using the hashtag #kordelininsaatio and mentioning @kordelininsaatio. You can find the Alfred Kordelin Foundation on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

You can download the Foundation’s logo from

We will be happy to receive information and tips on the projects, works and publications the Foundation has funded. Exhibition bulletins, publications, and similar news items can be sent to