Welcome to Major cultural projects grant info on Tuesday, December 12 from 1pm to 2pm.
The is a remote event (Teams), which must be pre-registered. The event is aimed at applicants who are planning to apply on this application round (1.-31.1.2024). Further informationon our website: Major cultural projects
Mr. Erik Båsk, the CEO of Alfred Kordelin Foundation and Ms. Marita Seitsalo, Manager of Grants and Communications, will talk about the guidelines abaut the guidelines. On the other half of the event we will answer applicants’ questions. In order to serve as many participants as possible, we hope that you will send us your questions in advance.
The maximum amount of participants is up to 100 participants and the language of the event is english. We will send a link to the e-mail provided in the form no later than the day of the event to all those who have registered.
Grant Info December 12. 2023 | Register here
Further information
Manager of Grants and Commucations
Marita Seitsalo