August grant application 1st to 15st August
August application round starts at Saturday 1th August and ends at 15th August at 24 in Finnish time. The application forms will open on Saturday 1th August in Grant Online Service. Instructions for Grant Applicant, further information about applying and categories can be found on our website. Have a look also to our previous news release.
The Foundation awards primarily personal working grants for a duration of 12 or 6 months, and with a maximum amount of € 24,000 or € 12,000, for work on science literature, arts and public education. Project grants can be awarded to working groups and collectives. A project grant can be max. €30,000, for a max. duration of 12 months.
Questions & answers -site Frequently asked questions and answers about applying
Important dates of applying a grant
1st August Application period starts and application form opens on Grant Online Service
15st August Application period ends at 24:00 in Finnish time. Applications and its appendices must delivered and sent via grant online service during application period.
15st September Statements on the progress of the dissertation work and post doc -research (at the latest).
15st September If Post Doc, permission to defend dissertation from the faculty and when applying a grant in Science, degree diploma (at the latest)
30st September Report the received grants from other Funds and Foundations via Grant Online Service. You can also report received grants to the office e-mail:
Furher information: