Privacy statement

Alfred Kordelin Foundation Privacy statement

Date created: 25 May 2018 (updated 29 March 2023)
EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679
Data Protection Act (1050/2018)


1 Controller

Alfred Kordelin Fund for General Development and Education sr (Foundation), hereinafter referred to as the Alfred Kordelin Foundation

Business ID: 0221091–7

Erik Båsk
Yrjönkatu 16 A 3
00120 Helsinki
telephone +358 40 825 8071
e-mail toimisto at

2 Contact person in matters concerning data files

Saara Terva
Grant Coordinator
telephone +358 40 125 3010
e-mail saara.terva at

3 Categories of personal data processed

The Alfred Kordelin Foundation has personal data files related to

  1. applying for grants, evaluating them and producing reports on the use of the grants; this file is called “Grant applicant register”
  2. the payment of grants; this file is called “Register of grant recipients”
  3. grants applied for and awarded between 1918 and 2007; this is a manually maintained file
  4. specialists, shop stewards and other partners regarding their addresses and personal data

In addition, a register of employment relationships is maintained.

4 Purpose and legal basis for the processing of personal data

The legal basis for data processing in the above data files are the controller’s legitimate interest and general interest; for partners, generally consent; and in the case of donations and bequests, legislation. Personal data is processed to enable the purpose of the grant foundation’s operation.

Purpose of the processing of personal data for each category of personal data

  1. Processing and assessment of grant applications, award proposals and reports on the use of grants, addressed to the Alfred Kordelin Foundation, the tasks of grant administration, statistics compilation and possibly research use.
  2. Payment and monitoring of grants awarded by the Alfred Kordelin Foundation, tasks of grant administration, statistics compilation and possibly research use.
  3. Possible research use of grants applied for or awarded by the Alfred Kordelin Foundation between 1918 and 2007 as well as related reports.
  4. Informing about the Alfred Kordelin Foundation’s activities, events and grant opportunities and communication with elected representatives, specialists and interest groups.


5 Data content of the data files

Data file of grant applicants

The following information is collected from grant applicants when registering for the service: The applicant’s given names and surname, as well as personal identity code.

The data file contains the basic information of the grant applicant (name, personal identity code, contact details, citizenship and date of birth, personal identity code or, if the applicant is an organisation, the name and personal identity code of the person who prepared the application and the business ID of the organisation), basic information about the grant applied for or the person/entity to whom the award is proposed (subject of the grant work, purpose of use, type of grant and applicant, amount of grant applied for, other funding granted or applied for). The data file also contains any appendices and statements submitted by the provider of the statements as well as any attachments submitted by the grant applicant to the foundation (e.g., curriculum vitae, work plan, recommendation, list of publications, project budget, annual report and balance sheet book, photo attachment and other attachments submitted by the applicant).

The data file also contains information on the specialists assessing grant applications and on the evaluations of applications and specialist opinion providers. The following information is collected from the specialist assessing the applications and the opinion providers at the registration stage: The given names, surname and the personal identity code of the specialist and the opinion provider are collected from the person being registered in connection with registering for the service and identifying themselves.

Data file of grant recipients

The data file contains information on the grants and awards awarded by the foundation and their recipients. In addition to the recipient’s basic information, the data file contains the grant and award recipient’s personal identity code or the organisation’s business ID, bank account number, grant award date and amount granted, purpose of use and grant payment information. The data file also contains entries related to the grant and its use, as well as any certificates and documents on the grant.

The data file contains information on grants applied for, awarded and researched between 1918 and 2007. The data file is manual and is located in the National Archives of Finland and is not accumulated.

Data file on contact information

The data file contains personal and contact information about the elected representatives of the Alfred Kordelin Foundation, the specialists relied on by the foundation, donors, award recipients and other partners.

Separate descriptions of the data files and their data content have been prepared and are available to data subjects at the Alfred Kordelin Foundation.

6 Regular sources of information

Data file of grant applicants and data file of grant recipients

The information on the applicant and the application stored in the data files of grant activities as well as a description of the use of the grant are obtained from the grant applicants and recipients themselves during the grant’s application, payment and reporting phase.

At the request of the grant applicant, the information on an opinion provider and the opinion is obtained from the provider themselves through the Alfred Kordelin Foundation’s own grant system.

Elected representatives, specialists, interest parties and other partners

The information on the Alfred Kordelin Foundation’s elected representatives, specialists, donors, award recipients and similar parties has been obtained from the individuals themselves. The information on individuals belonging to interest groups and partners outside the Alfred Kordelin Foundation has been obtained from public sources, such as websites.

7 Cookie policy

A cookie is a small file that a website stores on a visitor’s computer and is provided to the website by the visitor’s browser each time the visitor visits the site. The Alfred Kordelin Foundation uses cookies on its website. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of the cookies. You may visit “Cookie Settings” to provide a controlled consent. Not consenting may adversely affect certain features and functions. The website uses cookies only to enable the normal technical and service use of the site, as well as for the statistical analysis of visitors, for which we use cookie-based Google Analytics. The cookies can be disabled or the browser can be configured to alert the user on the use of cookies.

Read more about our cookie policy.

8 Disclosure of personal data and transfer of data outside the EU or EEA

The Alfred Kordelin Foundation uses the services of third parties to process and store information that may contain personal data. Third parties, such as specialists assessing the foundation’s grant applications, act only as processors who are only entitled to process such data to the extent required by their service or work, and the Alfred Kordelin Foundation remains the sole controller of such data. The Alfred Kordelin Foundation may be required to disclose certain information to authorities or law enforcement parties where there is a legal requirement for this.

During the processing of a grant application, the controller may exchange the necessary information with other funding bodies in order to verify the overall level of funding and to avoid overlapping grants.

Personal data will not be transferred to third parties located outside the European Union or the European Economic Area.

9 Principles of protection of the data file

As a controller, the Alfred Kordelin Foundation is responsible for the proper protection of the personal data it manages, using the necessary technical and organisational safeguards.

The Alfred Kordelin Foundation has instructed staff and specialists involved in the processing of personal data on the correct processing of personal data and its confidentiality. Sufficient expertise of the personnel is taken care of and competence is maintained. Data can only be processed by pre-designated persons whose work tasks require this. Each designated user has a personal username and password. Personal data is protected from external use and access to personal data.

The network and hardware of the Alfred Kordelin Foundation and its subcontractors on which the personal data is located are protected by a firewall, passwords and other appropriate technical measures. The databases and their backups are located in locked premises, where appropriate access control has been arranged and access to the premises is restricted.

Manual material is stored in a locked space in the National Archives, which can only be accessed with the permission of the foundation’s board of directors.

10 Retention period of personal data

Information on grant applications and related reports, awarded grants and awards is retained until further notice. The material used in board meetings regarding grants is retained permanently. The foundation retains positive and negative grant applications and their data for historical data preservation, research use and supervisory reasons (see section 4 of the statement and the page

11 Rights of the data subject

The data subject has the right to access and review the information on him or her that been filed at the Alfred Kordelin Foundation, with the exception of assessments of grant applicants by specialists and opinion providers. The request for review can be submitted to the foundation’s contact person for data file matters. In addition, the data subject has the right to have incorrect data corrected. In addition, the data subject has the right to demand the erasure of his or her personal data at any time. If the data has been registered under law or based on the legitimate interest of the Alfred Kordelin Foundation, a separate written decision will be made on the deletion, if any. The data subject always has the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority (Data Protection Ombudsman).

10 Changes to the privacy statement

When the Alfred Kordelin Foundation changes the privacy statement, a notice of the change will be published on the foundation’s website at

11 Availability of privacy statement and personal data files

The Alfred Kordelin Foundation’s privacy statement is kept available at the Alfred Kordelin Foundation’s office and on its website at