For Referees
The Foundation awards grants for finalizing Ph.D. theses, and for research visits related to Ph.D. thesis work in various fields of science. A grant awarded for finalizing a Ph.D. thesis should lead to the thesis being submitted for pre-examination by the end of the grant period. Science grants are only awarded to private individuals.
Notice: For the time being, in the field of medicine the Foundation supports only research into heart and vascular disease by awarding grants for Ph.D. thesis finalization and thesis-related research visits.
The progress statement is required if the applicant applies for a grant to finalize the dissertation The statement should indicate the progress and stage of the grant applicant’s PhD work/research and the supervisor’s assessment of when the work will be submitted for pre-examination. A grant awarded for finalizing a Ph.D. thesis should lead to the thesis being submitted for pre-examination by the end of the grant period.
Statements are provided by the supervisor of the work, upon the request of the applicant. The grant applicant must personally contact supervisor and request the progress statement.
- the stage and progress of the applicant’s work (including the instructor’s assessment of when the work will be submitted for pre-examination)
- effectiveness of the work and the topic (novelty value, social, internal influence in the field of science / art)
- the applicant’s ability to complete the work
A statement on the progress of the work is not required if the applicant
- is applying for art or public education yearly grants
- is collective
- is applying for a grant for research visit
Statement online service
If you apply for a grant for research, ask your supervisor to provide a statement on the progress of your work in the online service. In order to use the service, a supervisor has to registrate first. A statement has to be sent to the Foundation no later than 22th August 2024 at 4 pm at Finnish time. Statements set after the deadline will not be processed.
Statement on the progress of the work must be made on the statement online service.
The statement cannot be sent by e-mail or letter or brought to the office. Giving a statement requires logging into the service. The statement and the application are matched during the application processing phase. Statements are processed only by experts evaluating grant applications and the Foundation’s office, and the information they contain is not disclosed to outsiders.