

Yearly Grants

The Alfred Kordelin Foundation awards grants for science, art and public education. The application period is 1-15 August every year. Science grants are awarded for private individuals for finalizing Ph.D. theses, and for research visits related to Ph.D. thesis work in various fields of science. Art grants are awarded to individuals for professional artistic work in various fields. Public educations grants are awarded to individuals and communities for professional work. There are some purpose-of-use specific and applicant-specific limitations. The Foundation awards personal working grants of 12 months and 26,000 euros and 6 months and 13,000 euros. The grant awarded to registered collectives can be a maximum of 35,000 euros for a 12-month project.

Major Cultural Projects

A Major Cultural Project funding is intended to projects in the field of science, art, societal activities or various combinations thereof. A Major Cultural Project produces significant cultural and societal results, and build the future of Finnish science, arts, and culture. The application period is 1-31 January every year. This funding can be applied for by collectives and registered associations. A working group consisting of private individuals (e.g. a research team or an artist team) can apply only if the applicant is for example a university, or a registered association. The sum of a two-year Major cultural project funding is min. €100,000 and max. €300,000.

City funds and dedicated funds

Of the Foundation's nine city funds and seven target funds, the vast majority of the funds have a public application every year from January 1 to 31. Check the fund-specific schedules and conditions for each fund. The size of the grants applied for can be from a few hundred to a few thousand euros. In addition to the fact that the funds fulfill the purpose of the foundation, each fund has its own local or special mission. You can apply for a grant for working and/or expenses.

Post Doc Pool

Post Doc Pool”) is a grant resource set up by Finnish foundations, all members of the Association of Finnish Foundations, and intended for post-doctoral research abroad. Säätiöiden post doc -pooli has two application rounds per year: the spring application round in January, and the autumn application round from 15 August to 15 September.