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1,845 applications for Yearly grants

The application for Alfred Kordelin Foundation’s Yearly grants ended on Monday, August 15, 2023. A total of 1,845 grant applications were submitted for science, art and public education (science 462, art 1,015, public education 368).

The new guidelines for the annual grants reduced the number of applications by approx. 40% compared to the previous year. The largest reductions were aimed at sectors with a large number of applications and the lowest application success rates in recent years. These included visual arts and medicine.

In the arts, the most grants were applied for literature and translating literature into Finnish (307), performing arts, incl. circus and dance (252), visual arts (186) and music (173). In science, the most applications were directed to social sciences, 90, and 49 to biology and environmental sciences and 31 to technical sciences. On the side of public educations, 165 applications were sent for non-fiction books, 136 for promoting lifelong learning and 67 for journalism.

The Alfred Kordelin Foundation awards grants to individuals and communities for professional artistic and scientific work as well as cultural activities. The foundation supports long-term work with grants, mainly one and a half years. Grants are awarded for a specific purpose. The evaluation of grant applications in the pools starts in August, and we inform the applicants about the decisions at the beginning of November. Decisions about the yearly grants are made by the board of the Alfred Kordelin Foundation. 

We thank all applicants!

Further information
Marita Seitsalo
Manager of Grants and Communications
+358 50 433 0655