Category: News

/ News
Grants Info in August 2024 | Register now

Welcome to participate in the Alfred Kordelin Foundation’s grant information in August! The events are remote events (Teams) for which registration is required in advance. The events are aimed at those applying for yearly grants in August 2024. Grant coordinator Saara Terva will speak about the criteria of the Alfred Kordelin Foundation’s grants and the…

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The Listening Eye 24.5-15.9.2024

Association of Finnish Fine Arts Foundations’ exhibition at Chappe and Gallery Elverket in Ekenäs 24.5–15.9.2024 The exhibition The Listening Eye brings together a varied selection of works from the Finnish Fine Arts Foundations. The exhibition is spread across Tammisaari’s culture quarter, to Chappe and Gallery Elverket. The exhibition concept is based on a painting in…

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The office’s summer opening hours and grant payments in the summer

There are exceptions in the opening hours of the foundation’s office during the summer months. The Foundation’s office is closed on Midsummer’s Eve 21 June 2024 and in July between 1 July and 31 July 2024. Payment requests for the summer months should be made well in advance, so that there are no interruptions in…

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Application for Yearly grants 1–15 August 2024 and Grants Info in August

The application for Alfred Kordelin Foundation’s Yearly grants for science, art and public education starts on Thursday, August 1 and ends on Thursday, August 15, 2024, at 16:00 Finnish time. The deadline for the supervisor’s statements of dissertation applications is Thursday, August 22 at 4:00 PM Finnish time. Grant applications can be prepared and sent…

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Office opening our during 1st of May and Ascension Day

The Foundation’s office will be closed on April 30 at 2 p.m. On 1st of May. our office is closed. We will be open next time during normal opening hours on May 2, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The payment date for the May grants is May 2, 2024. Also, on Ascension Day May…

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Grants from City funds and Dedicated funds were awarded

The Alfred Kordelin Foundation has awarded 70 grants and smaller prizes from the city and dedicated funds for local arts, culture and science. In total, grants and prizes were awarded from the funds 172,000 euros. The grants and awards are announced per fund during April. We have sent all applicants information about the decisions by…

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One million euros from the Kordelin Foundation for five projects

The goal of the Alfred Kordelin Foundation’s Major cultural projects program is to support current projects that can be in the field of science, art, cultural activities or multidisciplinary combinations of these. Five major cultural project grants were awarded, totaling 1,005,000 euros. The projects promote cultural diversity, the production and sharing of information, and the…

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Easter opening hours of the office

The office of the Alfred Kordelin Foundation is closed during Easter from Friday to Monday, March 29  to April 1, 2024. On Thursday 28.3. we are open from 9 am to 4 pm. We will serve grant recipients and applicants during normal opening hours again on Tuesday, April 2. from 9:00 a.m. The Foundation wishes…

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163 applications for Major Cultural Projects

The application for Alfred Kordelin Foundation’s major cultural projects funding and grants from city and dedicated funds ended on Wednesday, January 31, 2024, at 4 pm. in Finnish time. 163 Major cultural project applications were sent by the deadline. The number of applications increased slightly compared to last year (149 applications in 2023). The applications…